Is Dry Eye Dangerous?

20 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Tears provide lubrication for your eyes. Some people are unable to produce enough tears to keep their eyes moisturized. This results in a condition known as dry eye disease. You may be suffering from dry eye disease if you frequently experience stinging or burning, sensitivity to light, eye fatigue, or redness.

Occasional dry eye may not be a cause for concern, but chronic dry eye has the potential to wreak havoc on your eye health.

Learn more about the potential dangers of chronic dry eye disease so that you can work with your optometrist to treat this condition before permanent damage occurs.

Eye Infections

If you suffer from dry eye disease that goes untreated, your risk of developing an eye infection increases. Tears are not only responsible for lubricating the eye, but they also act as a protective barrier for the surface of your eye.

Any contaminants that find their way into your eye are captured by the surface layer of tears and wicked away from the eye. Individuals with dry eye disease don't have a protective tear layer. Contaminants remain on the surface of the eye, which often results in infection.

Your eye doctor can prescribe eye drops to help build the protective layer your eyes need to avoid infection in the future.

Surface Damage

The tissue that makes up the eye is very delicate. Eye tissue is highly susceptible to damage. Chronic dry eye disease can increase the risk of your eye developing surface damage.

Contaminants can cause abrasions on the surface of the eye when there are no tears to help eliminate these contaminants. Dry eye disease is also associated with increased tissue inflammation and corneal ulcers that could lead to a loss of vision.

An experienced eye doctor can help prevent dry eye from causing any surface damage to your eyes in the future.

Decreased Quality of Life

The health of your eyes can have a direct impact on your quality of life. Dry eye disease can compromise the health of your eyes, which can have a negative impact on your day-to-day comfort.

Dry eye disease can cause your eyes to become easily fatigued. Eye fatigue makes it challenging to complete basic tasks like reading, using a computer, tablet, or cell phone, and driving at night.

Receiving proper treatment from your eye doctor can prevent dry eye from causing your quality of life to decline in any noticeable way.

For more information, contact an eye doctor.
