Eye Doctor: Maintaining Good Eyesight Involves These 3 Practical Steps

25 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

All your five senses are critical, but sight is assumed to be the most critical. It's assumed so because most of what you perceive around you comes through your eyes. For this reason, you should take a proactive approach when it comes to eye protection. In fact, you should do everything possible to maintain good eyesight. Proper eye care helps reduce the chances of developing eye diseases like glaucoma and cataracts. You also minimize the risk of suffering vision loss, eye infections, or even blindness. Maintaining healthy eyes shouldn't be a complicated task. Here's what you should do.

Don't Skip Eye Exam Appointments

Even if you haven't developed an eye problem, it's still good to prioritize routine eye checkups. Usually, you can't be one hundred percent sure of your eye health without the eye doctor's opinion. The doctor performs several tests to determine whether you need glasses. The tests also help them detect eye problems in good time and offer effective treatment. However, the test may sometimes depend on factors like age and heredity. The eye doctor can perform comprehensive eye tests like dilated eye exams to check whether eye parts like the retina, macula, and optic nerve demand their attention. In case of any disease or damage signs, the doctor can recommend the best way to rectify the problem.

Eat Eye-Friendly Foods

Not everything you eat or drink is good for your vision. Eating according to taste is okay, but anyone who wants to maintain healthy eyes should eat according to purpose. Know what you should eat to have healthy eyes. Carrots are among the things you should regularly take if you want to enjoy a healthy vision for a long time. Vegetables and fruits also effectively promote good eyesight. Where possible, ensure you eat kale and spinach, or even collard greens more often. Actually, vegetables contain antioxidants like zeaxanthin and lutein that fight cataracts.

Give Your Eyes Some Rest

Even if you have a lot to do on your office computer, you should get some time off the screen. If you don't, your eyes will be fatigued by the time you leave the office in the evening. Actually, your eyes strain when you stare at the screen for a long time. It's also vital to minimize the amount of time you usually spend on other electronic devices like smartphones and tablets. People who stare at these gadgets for long hours daily without a break risk experiencing issues like short-sightedness or even vision loss. If you must use your computer daily, see an eye doctor to recommend the eyeglasses you should use to minimize eye problems.

For more information, contact an eye doctor near you.
